Sins of a Solar Empire
Capital Ship Factory


Cost: Credits1000Metal250Crystal100
Build Time: 43 seconds.
Uses: 4 Logistics slot(s).
Hull: 4500
Armor: 6
Allows construction of Capital Ships. Build multiple factories to construct more ships at the same time.
Shortcut: (E)

The TEC Capital Ship Factory is larger than the Frigate Factory and also costs more to build. When Quick Start is activated, players start with one Capital Ship Factory and two Frigate Factories. The Capital Ship Factory builds, as in the name, Capital Ships. All Capital Ships build in 70 seconds, and if the factory is destroyed while building one, both are lost.

The TEC Capital Ship Factory builds the Kol Battleship, the Sova Carrier, the Akkan Battlecruiser, the Dunov Battlecruiser, the Marza Dreadnaught, and the Corsev Battlecruiser. As with all factions, the first Capital Ship you build is free, so it is wise to go for a more multi-purpose unit, such as the Akkan. If the Kol is the first ship you build, a wise second is the Dunov for it's shield restore ability, and a squadron of Garda Flak Frigates.

Logistics: Metal Extractor Crystal Extractor Frigate Factory Capital Ship FactoryMilitary LabCivics Lab Trade PortBroadcast CenterOrbital Refinery
Tactical: Gauss Defense PlatformHangar DefenseRepair PlatformPhase Jump InhibitorShield GeneratorNovalith CannonProximity Mine FieldTitan Foundry
Logistics: Metal ExtractorCrystal Extractor Frigate Factory Capital Ship FactoryTemple of HostilityTemple of HarmonyTrade PortTemple of Communion
Tactical: Beam Defense PlatformHangar DefenseRepair PlatformPhase Jump InhibitorTemple of RenewalDeliverance EngineTitan Foundry
Logistics: Metal ExtractorCrystal Extractor Frigate Factory Capital Ship FactoryLirtestra Weapons LabViturska Imperial LabTrade PortMedia HubMatter Processor
Tactical: Missile PlatformHangar DefenseRegeneration BayPhase Jump InhibitorNano Weapon JammerPhase StabilizerKostura CannonTitan Foundry
