Sins of a Solar Empire

The Diplomacy Tree is the diplomacy research tree for the TEC.

Skilled Diplomats was originally from the Civilian Tree.


Name Civics Labs Prerequisites Effect (Per level) Cost
Cultural Relations 1 Gives plus 1 to relationship bonus. 400/0/25
Neruda Prototype 1 Unlocks Neruda Envoy Cruiser 400/0/25
Cultural Affinity 2 Cultural Relations Give an additional plus 1 to relationship bonus. 600/50/100
Worthy Cause 2 Neruda Prototype Unlocks Worthy Cause 600/50/100
Bounty Hunting 2 Grants the the ability to offer missions to other factions. 600/50/100
Arbitrate Tariff 3 Neruda Prototype Unlocks Arbitrate Tariff 800/100/175
Universal Negotiation 3 Bounty Hunting Allows you to offer and demand gifts of Credits, Metal, and Crystal from opposing factions. 800/100/175
Cultural Mastery 3 Cultural Affinity Give an additional plus 1 to relationship bonus. 800/100/175
Political Kickbacks 3 Universal Negotiation Increases the maximum relationship gain from resources by 1, and the amount gained from Credits by 100%. 800/100/175
Settlers 4 Arbitrate Tariff Unlocks Settlers 1000/150/250
Backroom Deals 4 Political Kickbacks Allows you to offer missions to pirate factions. 1000/150/250
Trade Pact 4 Improves trade profit for factions that sign the pact with each other. 1000/150/250
Metal Pact 4 Trade Pact Improves metal production for factions that sign the pact with each other. 1000/150/250
Skilled Diplomats 4 Increases relationship standing rewarded by 15% and decreases relationship lose by 10% for failure. 1000/150/250
Missile Pact 5 Trade Pact Increases missile damage for factions that sign the pact with each other. 1200/200/325
Labor Negotiations 6 Increases ship and structure construction rates by 15%. 1400/250/400
Siege Pact 6 Missile Pact Increases bombardment damage for factions that sign the pact with each other. 1400/250/400
Public Forgiveness 7 Removes the racial relations penalty. 1600/300/475
Armor Pact 7 Siege Pact Increases armor for factions that sign the pact with each other. 1600/300/475
Supply Pact 8 Armor Pact Increases supply capacity for factions that sign the pact with each other. 1800/350/550
TEC Structures
Logistics: Metal Extractor Crystal Extractor Frigate Factory Capital Ship FactoryMilitary LabCivics Lab Trade PortBroadcast CenterOrbital Refinery
Tactical: Gauss Defense PlatformHangar DefenseRepair PlatformPhase Jump InhibitorShield GeneratorNovalith CannonProximity Mine FieldTitan Foundry
TEC Ships
Corvettes: Shriken Corvette (Loyalist) • Stilat Corvette (Rebel)
Frigates: Arcova Scout FrigateCobalt Light FrigateJavelis LRM FrigateKrosov Siege FrigateGarda Flak FrigateProtev Colony Frigate
Cruisers: Percheron Light CarrierHoshiko Robotics CruiserCielo Command CruiserKodiak Heavy CruiserRaloz Heavy ConstructorOgrov Torpedo CruiserNeruda Envoy Cruiser
Capital Ships: Kol BattleshipSova CarrierAkkan BattlecruiserDunov BattlecruiserMarza DreadnoughtCorsev Battlecruiser
Titans: Ankylon Titan (Loyalist) • Ragnarov Titan (Rebel)
Starbase: Argonev Star Base
TEC Tech Tree
Military TreeDefense TreeCivilian TreeDiplomacy Tree