Sins of a Solar Empire

An empire's Fleet Supply limits the number of ships that it can control at any one time. Each ship costs a certain number of supply points. Refer to the list of Ship Types for the exact supply cost of each ship design. In order to raise your supply point total, an empire must Research additional levels of Global Fleet Supply under the Fleet Logistics research section.


Fleet Logistics Icon

Global Fleet Supply

All ships other than strikecraft require fleet supply to operate. The amount of supply required by a ship varies significantly depending on the ship.

Global fleet supply is increased by completing research in the supply tree under the Fleet Logistics section of research.

At the beginning of every game, empires start with one hundred available fleet supply.

Each level of research completed allows an empire to sustain more ships. In addition to this, each level of research imposes a permanent drain on an empire's total income. Later upgrades are more significant than earlier upgrades.

  • First Level - 100 Fleet Supply, 0% Upkeep (Starting)
  • Second Level - 250 Fleet Supply, 9% Upkeep (+150)
  • Third Level - 400 Fleet Supply, 18% Upkeep (+150)
  • Fourth Level - 550 Fleet Supply, 28% Upkeep (+150)
  • Fifth Level - 820 Fleet Supply, 38% Upkeep (+270)
  • Sixth Level - 1090 Fleet Supply, 47% Upkeep (+270)
  • Seventh Level - 1360 Fleet Supply, 56% Upkeep (+270)
  • Eighth Level - 1680 Fleet Supply, 66% Upkeep (+320)
  • Ninth Level - 2000 Fleet Supply, 75% Upkeep (+320) (Final Upgrade)

Capital Ship Supply

All capital ships require one capital ship crew and fifty fleet capacity.

The number of available capital ship crews is increased by completing research in the command tree under the Fleet Logistics section of research.

At the beginning of every game, empires start with one available capital ship crew.

Each level of research completed allows an empire to command more capital ships. Later upgrades are more significant than earlier upgrades.

  • First Level - One Capital Ship (Starting)
  • Second Level - Two Capital Ships (+1)
  • Third Level - Three Capital Ships (+1)
  • Fourth Level - Four Capital Ships (+1)
  • Fifth Level - Six Capital Ships (+2)
  • Sixth Level - Eight Capital Ships (+2)
  • Seventh Level - Ten Capital Ships (+2)
  • Eighth Level - Thirteen Capital Ships (+3)
  • Ninth Level - Sixteen Capital Ships (+3) (Final Upgrade)

Fleet Supply Amounts

Capital Ships

Capital ships all are 50 Supply.

TEC Frigates

TEC Cruisers

Advent Frigates

Advent Cruisers

Vasari Frigates

Vasari Cruisers
