Sins of a Solar Empire
Metal Extractor


Cost: Credits250
Build Time: 40 seconds.
Hull: 2500
Armor: 0
Shortcut: (Q)

Metal Extractors are an empires way to produce metal for their empire


Metal Extractors are the primary source of all Metal production for the various races empires. Extraction rates can be improved through research, and through allegiance increase. Neutral extractors have a set extraction rate that cannot be changed. While they normally cost 250 credits this price can be reduced by upgrading the Modular Architecture. The TEC can also gain free extractors by using Colonize (Akkan Battlecruiser) by the Akkan Battlecruiser.

Logistics: Metal Extractor Crystal Extractor Frigate Factory Capital Ship FactoryMilitary LabCivics Lab Trade PortBroadcast CenterOrbital Refinery
Tactical: Gauss Defense PlatformHangar DefenseRepair PlatformPhase Jump InhibitorShield GeneratorNovalith CannonProximity Mine FieldTitan Foundry
Logistics: Metal ExtractorCrystal Extractor Frigate Factory Capital Ship FactoryTemple of HostilityTemple of HarmonyTrade PortTemple of Communion
Tactical: Beam Defense PlatformHangar DefenseRepair PlatformPhase Jump InhibitorTemple of RenewalDeliverance EngineTitan Foundry
Logistics: Metal ExtractorCrystal Extractor Frigate Factory Capital Ship FactoryLirtestra Weapons LabViturska Imperial LabTrade PortMedia HubMatter Processor
Tactical: Missile PlatformHangar DefenseRegeneration BayPhase Jump InhibitorNano Weapon JammerPhase StabilizerKostura CannonTitan Foundry
