Sins of a Solar Empire
Percheron Light Carrier


Cost: Credits835 Metal150 Crystal135
Build Time: 64 seconds.
Uses: 14 supply.
Hull: 1580
Repair: 1.5
Shields: 650
Regeneration: 1
Max Mitigation: 60%
Antimatter: 400
Recharge: 0.4
Experience value: 84
Strike Craft: 2
Strong vs. none
A support cruiser able to manufacture and field two squadrons of strike craft.
Shortcut: (Q)

The Percheron Light Carrier is the TEC's Squadron Support Cruiser.


When the TEC need to augment their fleets with fighter or bomber support, the call goes out to the Percheron. Each carrier is able to support two squadrons which serve as the ship‘s only offense and defense. (The game's description, even in Rebellion, misleadingly says that the Percheron can build "a squadron".)  However due to their long-range nature, Percherons rarely enter the fray and usually remain on the edges of a gravity well out of harm‘s way.


A small group of Percherons is a nice addition to most fleets even though they don't have any weapons except for their strike craft. Carriers can manufacture fighters to counter enemy bombers and lightly-armored targets like LRF, but watch out for flak which can quickly devastate multiple squadrons of fighters. When faced with lots of enemy flak, one can switch to bombers, which are more durable and do massive amounts of damage against enemy structures, heavy cruisers, and capital ships.

Bombers are also fairly effective against Starbases, having a 65% damage multiplier against them (and all structures), whereas most ships do 50% or less vs. modules/starbases; only heavy cruisers, capital ships and specialist anti-structure ships have a higher multiplier (the last category mentioned has 200% for comparison; the other two have 75%). Bombers however have the added advantage that they cannot be shot at by any of the starbases' guns; they thus serve as a soft counter to starbases. (It's also worth noting here that fighters, which also cannot be shot at by starbases, only have a 35% damage multiplier against starbases.)

Ship Info[]

Ship Type: Cruiser
Primary Role: Squadron Support
Shield Power: Low
Hull Points: Low
Armor Level: Low
Armor Type: Medium
Antimatter: None
Weapons: None
Compliment: 450

Attack button
Stop button
Move button
Tactics management button
Tactics Management
SquadronManagement button
Squadron Management

Strike Craft: TEC FighterTEC Bomber
Corvettes: Shriken Corvette (Loyalist) • Stilat Corvette (Rebel)
Frigates: Arcova Scout FrigateCobalt Light FrigateJavelis LRM FrigateKrosov Siege FrigateGarda Flak FrigateProtev Colony Frigate
Cruisers: Percheron Light CarrierHoshiko Robotics CruiserCielo Command CruiserKodiak Heavy CruiserRaloz Heavy ConstructorOgrov Torpedo CruiserNeruda Envoy Cruiser
Capital Ships: Kol BattleshipSova CarrierAkkan BattlecruiserDunov BattlecruiserMarza DreadnoughtCorsev Battlecruiser
Titans: Ankylon Titan (Loyalist) • Ragnarov Titan (Rebel)
Starbase: Argonev Star Base
Strike Craft: Advent FighterAdvent Bomber
Corvettes: Acolyte Corvette (Loyalist) • Vespa Corvette (Rebel)
Frigates: Seeker VesselDisciple VesselIlluminator VesselPurge VesselDefense VesselMissionary Vessel
Cruisers: Aeria Drone HostIconus GuardianDomina SubjugatorDestra CrusaderTalion SaviorSolanus AdjudicatorHerald Envoy
Capital Ships: Radiance BattleshipRevelation BattlecruiserProgenitor MothershipHalcyon CarrierRapture BattlecruiserDiscord Battleship
Titans: Coronata Titan (Loyalist) • Eradica Titan (Rebel)
Starbase: Transcencia Star Base
Strike Craft: Vasari FighterVasari Bomber
Corvettes: Tosurak Corvette (Loyalist) • Sulsurak Corvette (Rebel)
Frigates: Jikara NavigatorRavastra SkirmisherKanrak AssailantKarrastra DestructorJunsurak SentinelJarun Migrator
Cruisers: Lasurak TransporterStilakus SubverterSerevun OverseerSkarovas EnforcerSivuskras RuinerVoruntak Envoy
Capital Ships: Kortul DevastatorSkirantra CarrierJarrasul EvacuatorAntorak MarauderVulkoras DesolatorRankulas Battleship
Titans: Vorastra Titan (Loyalist) • Kultorask Titan (Rebel)
Starbase: Orkulus Star Base