Sins of a Solar Empire
Sins of a Solar Empire
Ability User: Discord Battleship
Ability Type: Active
Target: Targets enemy Frigates, Capital Ships and Corvettes.
Antimatter Cost: 90 -> 85 -> 80 -> 75
Cooldown Time: 25
Duration: 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6
Range: 4500 -> 5000 -> 5500 -> 6000
  • If target does not have Fracture: Damage: 100 -> 200 -> 300 -> 400
  • If target has Fracture: 125 -> 250 -> 375 -> 500

Enemy frigates and capital ships near by target are afflicted by a powerful psionic wave dealing moderate damage and preventing them from using abilities for some time. Enemies afflicted by Fracture take bonus damage.
