Open the Gameplay.constants file[]
This will allow you to change various diplomatic variables and relationship thresholds for treaties and missions for any of the 3 Sins versions.
The Gameplay.constants file you need to access for this is located in <Installation Folder>/GameInfo
So if you want to change the values for vanilla Sins, look for the file in gameinfo folder in the root Sins directory, such as:
C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\Sins of a Solar Empire - Trinity\GameInfo
If you want to change the values for gameplay in Entrenchment or Diplomacy, use the Gameplay.constants file in their respective folders, for example:
C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\Sins of a Solar Empire - Trinity\Entrenchment\GameInfo\Gameplay.constants
C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\Sins of a Solar Empire - Trinity\Diplomacy\GameInfo\Gameplay.constants
Locate the Diplomacy Constants[]
Now that you're inside the file you want, search for the string "playerDiplomacyAIDef"
Treaty Thresholds[]
These are the default values set for vanilla Sins and Entrenchment. The default numbers in Diplomacy are slightly different.
Entry | Purpose | Default |
offerOrAcceptTreatyHappinessThreshold:Trade | AI will accept & offer Trade treaty | 0.25 |
offerOrAcceptTreatyHappinessThreshold:ExternalVision | AI will accept & offer Ship Vision treaty | 0.80 |
offerOrAcceptTreatyHappinessThreshold:InternalVision | AI will accept & offer Planetary Vision treaty | 0.95 |
offerOrAcceptTreatyHappinessThreshold:CeaseFire | AI will accept & offer Cease Fire treaty | .50 |
offerOrAcceptTreatyHappinessThreshold:PeaceTreaty | AI will accept & offer Peace Treaty | .90 |
breakTreatyHappinessThreshold:Trade | AI Breaks trade treaty | 0.10 |
breakTreatyHappinessThreshold:ExternalVision | AI Breaks Ship Vision treaty | 0.50 |
breakTreatyHappinessThreshold:InternalVision | AI Breaks Planetary Vision treaty | 0.75 |
breakTreatyHappinessThreshold:CeaseFire | AI Breaks Cease Fire treaty | .25 |
breakTreatyHappinessThreshold:PeaceTreaty | AI Breaks Peace Treaty | .75 |
Timing Values (AI Treaty Offers & Missions)[]
Entry | Purpose | Default Value |
timeBetweenTreatyOffers | Frequency at which the AI will offer treaties. The player can offer treaties at any time.
Value is time is in seconds. |
300 |
timeBetweenQuests | Frequency at which the AI can create Missions.
Value is time is in seconds. |
180 |