Sins of a Solar Empire
Sins of a Solar Empire

Cobalt Light Frigate
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Ship Type: Frigate
Primary Role: Combat
Shield Power: 350
Hull Points: 600
Armor Level: 2
Armor Type: Medium
Weapons (Fore): Linked Pulse Laser
Damage Type: Antiheavy
Antimatter: 200
Abilities: Sabotage Reactor
Cost 300 credits, 55 metal, 0 crystal
Supply Slots 5
Build Time 24
.entity Filename FrigateTechLight.entity

The workhorse of the TEC fleet, the Cobalt combines speed with an average weapons‘ package. Cobalts are best deployed in groups and packs of upgraded Cobalts are extremely effective at hunting down antimatter-dependant units. As they are typically manned by the TEC‘s newest recruits, fleet commanders are well advised to keep them on a tight leash lest they charge into battle prematurely. Extracted from the game manual.

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