Sins of a Solar Empire
Sins of a Solar Empire

Garda Flak Frigate
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Ship Type: Frigate
Primary Role: Anti-Fighter / Bomber Escort
Shield Power: 450
Hull Points: 900
Armor Level: 4
Armor Type: Heavy
Weapons (Fore): Light AutoCannons
Damage Type: Antiverylight
Antimatter: 0
Cost 375 credits, 40 metal, 25 crystal
Supply Slots 4
Build Time 35
.entity Filename FrigateTechAntiFighter.entity

While heavily armored against attack, the Garda‘s primary role is to defend against enemy fighter and bomber wings. It‘s forward and aft mounted autocannons can quickly shred through the lightly armored craft. Against larger targets, like frigates, the Garda stands little chance. Extracted from the game manual.

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