Sins of a Solar Empire
Sins of a Solar Empire

Jarun Migrator
Jarun Migrator
Ship Type: Frigate
Primary Role: Colonization
Shield Power: 225
Hull Points: 1000
Armor Level: 0
Armor Type: Light
Weapons (Fore): Pulse Guns
Damage Type: AntiLight
Antimatter: 225
Abilities: Colonize / Capture Neutral Resource
Cost 425 credits, 140 metal, 50 crystal
Supply Slots 6
Build Time 40
.entity Filename FrigatePhaseColony.entity

TEC Arcova Scout Frigate - Cobalt Light Frigate - Javelis LRM Frigate -Krosov Siege Frigate - Garda Flak Frigate - Protev Colony Frigate
Advent Seeker Vessel - Disciple Vessel - Illuminator Vessel - Purge Vessel - Defense Vessel - Missionary Vessel
Vasari Jikara Navigator - Ravastra Skirmisher - Kanrak Assailant - Karrastra Destructor - Junsurak Sentinel - Jarun Migrator