Sins of a Solar Empire
Sins of a Solar Empire

Krosov Siege Frigate
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Ship Type: Frigate
Primary Role: Planetary Bombardment
Shield Power: 255
Hull Points: 450
Armor Level: 2
Armor Type: Light
Weapons (Fore): Heavy Pulse Laser / Ship-toSurface Nuclear Missile-Launchers
Damage Type: Antiheavy
Antimatter: 0
Abilities: Heavy Fallout
Cost 620 credits, 80 metal, 75 crystal
Supply Slots 14
Build Time 52
.entity Filename FrigateTechSiege.entity

When it‘s time to take out a planetary target, the TEC calls in its Krosov Siege Frigates to do the job. A small group of Krosov‘s can quickly cause catastrophic damage to an enemy world and can survive against defenders with its heavier shields and hull. Regrettably, the situation is dire enough that the TEC command is considering equipping radioactive warheads to the Krosov, that will severely diminish the population growth of enemy planets.Extracted from the game manual.

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