Sins of a Solar Empire
Sins of a Solar Empire

Purge Vessel
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Ship Type: Frigate
Primary Role: Planetary Bombardment
Shield Power: 300
Hull Points: 385
Armor Level: 3
Armor Type: Light
Weapons (Fore): Heavy Plasma Cannons / Ship-to-Planet Kinetic Bolts
Damage Type: Antiheavy
Antimatter: 0
Abilities: None
Cost 730 credits, 100 metal, 80 crystal
Supply Slots 14
Build Time 53
.entity Filename FrigatePsiSiege.entity

To the humans of the Trader Worlds, the shape of the Purge Vessel is reminiscent of a great bird, but it‘s one bird nobody wants to see in their sky. Lightly shielded with moderate armor, the Purge Vessel can rain down powerful kinetic bolts onto an undefended world, laying it to waste. Purge Vessel crews are recruited from amongst the most zealous of Advent converts, and see themselves as direct incarnations of the Unity‘s desire for retribution. Although the ship is not heavily armored or shielded, Purge Vessels will often rush through a contested area in their eagerness to deliver justice to the unfaithful.

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