Sins of a Solar Empire
Sins of a Solar Empire

The Understanding Tree is the diplomatic research tree for the Advent.

Persuasive Offers, Induced Leniency, and Allure of the Unity were originally from the Harmony Tree.



Name Temples of Harmony Prerequisites Effect (Per level) Cost
Persuasive Offers 1 Increases bounty bought by 12.5%. 400/0/25
Persuasive Offer
Voice of the Unity 1 Gives plus 1 to relationship bonus. 400/0/25 VOTU
Herald Design 2 Unlocks Herald Envoy 600/50/100 HeraldEnvoyButton
Vendetta 2 Grants the the ability to offer missions to other factions. 600/50/100 Vendetta
Call of the Unity 2 Voice of the Unity Give an additional plus 1.00 to relationship bonus. 600/50/100 COTU
Cultural Assistance 3 Herald Design Unlocks Cultural Assistance 800/100/175 CulturalAssistance-button
Overtures 3 Vendetta You can to offer resource to other factions. 800/100/175 Overtures
Emissary Donations 3 Overtures Max relationship from resources increase. 800/100/175
Song of the Unity 3 Call of the Unity Give an additional plus 1 to relationship bonus. 800/100/175 SOTU
Harmony 4 Cultural Assistance Unlocks Harmony 1000/150/250 Harmony-button
Inspired Wrath 4 Emissary Donations Allows you to offer missions to pirate factions. 1000/150/250 InspiredWrath
Research Pact 4 Increases research speed and decreases cost with pact. 1000/150/250 ResearchPact
Culture Pact 5 Research Pact Improves culture production, allegiance of factions with pact. 1200/200/325 CulturePact
Induced Leniency 5 Increases time to complete missions. Decreases loss % 1200/200/325
Antimatter Pact 6 Culture Pact Improves antimatter cap and antimatter regen with pact. 1400/250/400 AntimatterPact
Anima Pact 6 Culture Pact Increases number of strike craft per squadron with pacts 1400/250/400 AnimaPact
Cultural Integrity 6 Harmony Unlocks Cultural Integrity 1400/250/400 CulturalIntegrity-button
Truth and Reconciliation 7 Removes the racial relations penalty. 1600/300/475 TruthandRec
Beam Pact 7 Antimatter Pact Improves the power of beam weapons with pacts. 1600/300/475 Beam Pact
Allure of the Unity 8 Increases Maximum planetary allegiance by 5%. 1800/350/550
Shield Pact 8 Anima Pact Improves shields, mitigation, and regen with pacts. 1800/350/550 ShieldPact
Advent Structures
Logistics: Metal ExtractorCrystal Extractor Frigate Factory Capital Ship FactoryTemple of HostilityTemple of HarmonyTrade PortTemple of Communion
Tactical: Beam Defense PlatformHangar DefenseRepair PlatformPhase Jump InhibitorTemple of RenewalDeliverance EngineTitan Foundry
Advent Ships and Starbase
Corvettes: Acolyte Corvette (Loyalist) • Vespa Corvette (Rebel)
Frigates: Seeker VesselDisciple VesselIlluminator VesselPurge VesselDefense VesselMissionary Vessel
Cruisers: Aeria Drone HostIconus GuardianDomina SubjugatorDestra CrusaderTalion SaviorSolanus AdjudicatorHerald Envoy
Capital Ships: Radiance BattleshipRevelation BattlecruiserProgenitor MothershipHalcyon CarrierRapture BattlecruiserDiscord Battleship
Titans: Coronata Titan (Loyalist) • Eradica Titan (Rebel)
Starbase: Transcencia Star Base
Advent Research Trees
Hostility TreeHarmony TreeSecurity TreeUnderstanding Tree