Sins of a Solar Empire
Viturska Imperial Lab


Cost: Credits750 Metal60 Crystal80
Build Time: 75 seconds.
Uses: 4 Logistical slot(s).
Hull: 4500
Armor: 6
Expands imperial research capacity
Shortcut: (D)

The Viturska Imperial Lab unlocks a tier (column) in the Empire Tree and in Diplomacy the Manipulation Tree for the Vasari.


A Viturska Imperial Lab, functioning as an experimental transport lab, orbited the Vasari-occupied volcanic planet of Kron, 10,000 years before the arrival of the Advent to Trader Space.

Behind the scenes[]

Kron and the Viturska Imperial Lab in orbit appeared in the Sins of a Solar Empire intro.

Logistics: Metal Extractor Crystal Extractor Frigate Factory Capital Ship FactoryMilitary LabCivics Lab Trade PortBroadcast CenterOrbital Refinery
Tactical: Gauss Defense PlatformHangar DefenseRepair PlatformPhase Jump InhibitorShield GeneratorNovalith CannonProximity Mine FieldTitan Foundry
Logistics: Metal ExtractorCrystal Extractor Frigate Factory Capital Ship FactoryTemple of HostilityTemple of HarmonyTrade PortTemple of Communion
Tactical: Beam Defense PlatformHangar DefenseRepair PlatformPhase Jump InhibitorTemple of RenewalDeliverance EngineTitan Foundry
Logistics: Metal ExtractorCrystal Extractor Frigate Factory Capital Ship FactoryLirtestra Weapons LabViturska Imperial LabTrade PortMedia HubMatter Processor
Tactical: Missile PlatformHangar DefenseRegeneration BayPhase Jump InhibitorNano Weapon JammerPhase StabilizerKostura CannonTitan Foundry
