Sins of a Solar Empire

Wormholes allow for instant travel between planets and systems.

Map Making[]

If you want to add wormholes in a map to link distant planets, you have to create first two "Wormhole" planets. Then link them with a phase lane. Click on the phase lane and in "properties" section in the Toolbox window change "connection type" from phase lane to wormhole. The phase lane should change from gray to blue indicating a wormhole connection. Wormhole connections are only valid when both ends are Wormholes. Though some mods may tinker with this.

Wormholes, just as phase lanes, cannot connect between star systems. The only travel between planets in different systems is by the star.

The feature "add wormhole connections" by putting a phase lane between two wormholes, then selecting it, and setting the type to "Wormhole" hasn't been added to Galaxy Forge yet.

Voruk's Labyrinth Map interStarConnection Section

Wormholes to other stars have to be written in manually. Open the Voruk's Labyrinth in SoaSE/Galaxy folder with a text editor and look at the bottom where it adds interstar connections.

Important hint: Once you wrote interStarConnections in, DO NOT load map in Galaxy Forge again, as it will delete those. Or load up Notepad copy the section, and paste in once changes have been made.

Game calculate Stars as its written in .galaxy file.

starCount 5
   designName "Star0"

   designName "Star1"

And with planets the same:

planetCount 18
 designName "Planet0"

 designName "Planet1"

Now we may remember planet numbers at stars and link them:

interStarConnectionCount 3
 starIndexA 0
 planetIndexA 1
 starIndexB 1
 planetIndexB 0
 spawnProbability 1.0
 type "Wormhole"
starIndexA 1
 planetIndexA 2
 starIndexB 3
 planetIndexB 5
 spawnProbability 1.0
 type "Wormhole"

From Star0 Planet1 to Star1 Planet0

From Star1 Planet2 to Star3 Planet5

interStarConnectionCount 12 
	starIndexA 0
	planetIndexA 4
	starIndexB 3 
	planetIndexB 1
	spawnProbability 1.0
	type "Wormhole"
	starIndexA 0
	planetIndexA 1
	starIndexB 6 
	planetIndexB 0
	spawnProbability 1.0
	type "Wormhole"
	starIndexA 1
	planetIndexA 2
	starIndexB 6 
	planetIndexB 3
	spawnProbability 1.0
	type "Wormhole"
	starIndexA 3
	planetIndexA 6
	starIndexB 8 
	planetIndexB 0
	spawnProbability 1.0
	type "Wormhole"
	starIndexA 8
	planetIndexA 2
	starIndexB 6 
	planetIndexB 8
	spawnProbability 1.0
	type "Wormhole"
	starIndexA 6
	planetIndexA 9
	starIndexB 7 
	planetIndexB 1
	spawnProbability 1.0
	type "Wormhole"
	starIndexA 7
	planetIndexA 0
	starIndexB 4 
	planetIndexB 6
	spawnProbability 1.0
	type "Wormhole"
	starIndexA 4
	planetIndexA 4
	starIndexB 5 
	planetIndexB 0
	spawnProbability 1.0
	type "Wormhole"
	starIndexA 4
	planetIndexA 0
	starIndexB 1 
	planetIndexB 4
	spawnProbability 1.0
	type "Wormhole"
	starIndexA 2
	planetIndexA 5
	starIndexB 6 
	planetIndexB 1
	spawnProbability 1.0
	type "Wormhole"
	starIndexA 5
	planetIndexA 5
	starIndexB 6 
	planetIndexB 2
	spawnProbability 1.0
	type "Wormhole"
	starIndexA 3
	planetIndexA 4
	starIndexB 2 
	planetIndexB 0
	spawnProbability 1.0
	type "Wormhole"|}